Thursday, February 16, 2017

Interesting and Bad Color

I feel like the lighting in this photo definitely exhibits the characteristics of having some bad color choices. For one, I have no clue what is going on in this scene, partially due to the very little that action that is occurring, and partially due to the color choices. The entire room is lit blue except for the central focus, which is seemingly lit as some pinkish color; the blue is causing me to feel a nighttime / somber feeling, but then the sudden shift to the pink breaks that and creates a bit of disorientation really. Perhaps though this is exactly what they were going for?

This photo mainly uses blue light, with some added bits of intense and focused white(r) light. The interesting thing about this one is how they focused the lighting directly onto the hands of the performers. This is done because this performance was done by the Deaf West Theatre. All of the performers perform via ASL and the lighting has to be focused onto the hands so that the audience can follow along. Overall I think the most interesting thing about this lighting and the color choice is that the focused light creates such a cool effect with the haloing around the performer's hands.


  1. The first photo looks like the actors are on a hospital bed which if the one character is dying could explain the blueness of the room to convey sadness, and then the yellow light on the actors could imply that the other character is saying goodbye(?) The pink I agree is weird, maybe it was an effort to not have it be green?

  2. In the first image, although there seems to be a sadness in the scene, it does not seem like that to me. I feel like there could have been different lighting effects that could have been used. I also think the scene design does not do a good job of showing the sadness. In the second image, I think that is interesting how the lights can be so small. I also think it is really interesting that there are shadows in front of the actors which I think adds to the mysterious lighting effects.

  3. I think the second picture could benefit from some contrasting colors. Because everything is a similar shade of blue, everything going on onstage is just jumbled together. Granted, that may be an intended effect. I really appreciate the light having higher intensity in specific points.
