Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Directional Lighting

In this photo, you can see the sunlight coming in from behind the child. I like how the light helps you see the feet, and then how it creates a silhouette on the dress. I think the sunlight helps create a theme of youth or innocence since it looks like the child is dancing into the light.

This photo also uses sunlight coming in through a window. I like that light creates harsh shadows on the little girl's face, legs, and even on the furniture. It makes you wonder what she is doing in this spot in the room. The light from the window also quickly draws your eye in to this part of the photo.


  1. I agree with you on the first photo. The light definitely adds to the story of a dancing child. Its a very bright pure looking, natural light, that the child seems to be facing. Having the concentration be on the feet and twirling cloth in juxtaposition with the white light creates attentiion to it as a focal point. The fact that it isn't focused also makes it mysterious.

  2. These pictures are so cool!!! I love in the last one that is black and white has so much emphasis on the window but still has enough light to see the majority of the little girl.

  3. I like that in the first photo that there is a defined window of light. It seems as though we are not seeing the whole picture. I like how the dress is dark and it contrasts with the bright, white light. I also like that there is a visible lighter shadow of the dress where there is a smaller amount of dress. In the second photo, I like the black and white of the photo. I like the way the light illuminates the image and casts shadows on the girl. I think it is interesting how the girl's face is dark yet light. Her face is visible, yet it is dark.

  4. The lighting in the first image is very soft, yet offers some foundation to on otherwise hazy photograph. The subject is in motion, but the white light highlights the wooden texture on the floor and gives the image a jovial tone.Similarly, I think the large amount of white light in the second picture helps create a youthful look to compliment the young girl. It creates a soft silhouette of her shape, while also accenting other textures in the picture, such as the blanket beneath her.

  5. I love how soft the light in the first image is, and how much it highlights the motion blur of the little dancer. You can tell she's just going to keep on spinning!

    The highlights and shadows created by the light coming from the window in the second image are very interesting. They create a very somber mood--mixed with the black and white photography, it makes for an emotional piece.
