Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Master Paintings

This painting is called "Clearing Up, Coast of Sicily" by Andreas Achenbach. The sun appears to be covered by the clouds, yet it acts the source of light in this painting. Individual rays of light can be seen from behinds the cloud which I think shows the power of the sun, as if it is unstoppable. Some of the sun's light can be seen on the rock at the left center part of the painting. I also think the dark clouds gives a stormy, gloomy, kind of mood, but this is countered by the sunlight shining around the clouds.
This painting is called, "A Calm at a Mediterranean Port" by Claude Joseph Vernet. I think the calmness of this painting is due to the lighting. The sun can barely be seen in the distance lighting the clouds around it. It appears to be setting giving a dim light. The water lightly reflects the sun's light giving a calm feeling. The way the light seems to, mostly, stay contained to the background area makes the sun seem further away.


  1. I really like how the light interacts with the water in both of these paintings. The both have such subtle lighting to them, even though the sun is the source.

  2. I also like the how the sun reflects on the water, especially because of the different themes coming from both paintings (first one being danger, the other being early morning/evening). For the first photo, I enjoy how the water is so fierce while the light makes the sky so calm.

  3. I like the fact that you chose two paintings of water that are almost opposites of each other. The top image shows an immense attention to detail on the water and sky. The use of shadows and sunlight on the water really add another layer of emotion and awe to the picture.

  4. The top picture is beautiful because the artist plays with different textures. What's interesting is that you would think the place would be much darker with so much cloud covering the sun, so there is a little cheating there on the artist's part.
