Wednesday, April 5, 2017

In this image, the dancers are incredibly angular in their movements. Their arms, legs, and bodies all form angles and lines, all very sharp and pronounced. The lighting very clearly matches this--the spotlights are shaped to squares, each one individually lighting the dancer. The shadows are also very angular, and there are not other sources of light on the stage.

This dance lighting puts all emphasis on the dancer's body. Instead of lighting any part of the dancer, everyone on stage is cast in shadow, creating full silhouettes. The only light on stage is some colored cyc lights, resembling a sunset. This brings attention to every movement of the body, making the dancer stand out.


  1. I like the similarities you've pointed out between the dancers' angles and that of the square lighting effects. The effect makes their movements much more dramatic. Also, I'm very curious about the girl behind the middle dancer.
    In regards to the second photo, this is why I love cyc lights. They focus on the subject's body rather than their face, so they rely more on their actions to tell the story. This picture is a great example of that with the characters' bodies and costumes as well as the colored cycle lights.

  2. I love how the dancers are being lit from the top with the square spotlights. It makes sure the audience can focus on each dancer individually but for the dancers to still look cohesive. In the second photo, I like how the cyc light lights the dancers to create silhouettes so that the audience focuses on their movements and shapes rather than physical appearances.
